
| 英语读后感 |



After watching the three-hour classical movie ,I feel so impressed, though I had watched it before. Now some ideas about love arise in my mind. As far as I can see, I can not define what love is, and even do not have a clear idea about it. Does love means duty ,romantic , sex , or even the mix of the above? As to duty , I think Rose have the duty to marriage Hockley. After all they had been engaged and her mother need her to earn money for her family . And in the case of romantic, I think Hockley can bring as much as Jack to Rose. Maybe someone will say Jack has a nice personality trait. But it only shows in the emergency, if they were not that bad luck they might live a happy life. While, Rose, I think, is not very nice. When she had trouble, he did not tell her mother or fiancé ,. After being saved by a stranger, she even had affair with him. It could not be accepted even in our modern sight. Strangely, I do not have these ideas when watching the film , my mind was filled up with the ideas that they must have a happy ending. So what is love on earth? After thinking for a while, I have the following ideas: Film is beautiful because of the exaggeration, but the exaggeration may have a negative on our thought about something. In the case of Titanic, the role and their character may not be similar with the real life. So the ideas coming from the film are not that reliable ,they may be a little extreme. In a word, film is only film , there is nothing that is perfect. We are so common ,having so vulgar ideas about love . That is why we need the film, but we can not treat is as absolute truth.




Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of utopias and dreams, mother and child fighting for power and greed, idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity. This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years. The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content. If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology, success is understandable. Very successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story. It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect.


