
| 英文诗 |


Blind dating: worth trying to find true love

Recently a blind date including 20 young men and women has been held by an organization. Some people see it as a good way to meet different people while others argue that it’s not possible to find one’s partner between two people who have not previously met. As far as I’m concerned, blind dating is worth trying and you can find your true love there!

First of all, nowadays many young people are always busying with their work; therefore they have little spare time to meet with their future partner, leading to more and more leftover women and men. According to a study, a happy life includes work and family balance, which means a harmonious family including the couple (and the baby in the future) may contribute to a comparably happy life.

What’s more, during a blind date, usually the basic information is given to both parts; therefore it’s more reliable to know a person’s family background, his or her job, religion etc. As is known to all, a couple should have the same belief in value, wealth, thus preventing many potential conflicts.

Last but not least, through blind dates, one can meet people with different personalities, thus having a clearer idea about which kind of person is suitable for being a lifelong mate. And blind dates are also great chances to make friends in the same age group.

To sum up, blind dating can be a good way to find one’s future husband or wife. It’s feasible and reliable. Hope that everyone can find true love in blind dates!


At present, dating shows have been very popular in people’s lives. No matter how busy the people are, they will grasp any chances to watch this kind of shows as much as possible. As the time elapses, a growing number of dating shows have appeared on television.

Many factors account for this phenomenon. To begin with, these shows provide a chance for the single to search for their dates so that they think that they have more opportunities to break away from the single identities and even get married. Furthermore, some people are on account of amusement to watch this kind of shows. They will feel funny and happy when watching others dating. Last but not least, the funny form and the relax atmosphere of these shows have also made a great contribution to its audience ratings.

However, for my part, I advocate that these dating shows should be restricted to some extent. Some people who have dated in these shows use the artificial identities to cheat others. In addition, these shows have brought some bad impacts on our national spirits because it advocates materialism in some way. Therefore, to avoid these problems, some actions should be taken to restrict these shows.

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