
| 英文诗 |


Smoking is Harmful

It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China.And the smokers are becoming younger and younger,even ineluding some middle school students.

Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people"shealth.However,some people still enjoy smoking.Why?Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion,some think it is of GREat fun and others,think that smoking can refresh themselves.

In fact,smoking is a bad habit.It can cause a lot of diseases.Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money.Besides,carelesmokers may cause dangerous fires.

Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves,but also bad for non-smokers.

Therefore,I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.







As everybody know,smoking is mostly bad to our health.But actually,everything have a bad side with a good side,the same as smoking.I believe a lot of people smoke not because it looks cool,its because they are always worry about something,thats why they want to somke to get out of upset and worried.After i search some imformation on the internet,Actually I have found that cigarettes contain some poly-aromatic hydrocarbons which cause the increased biotransformation of drugs.The drug is converted to a non-toxic form.This non-toxic drug can be safely eliminated from our body.Now,once our need for drug is over,then we take help of smoking for few days to increase the metabolism of drugs and increasing their eliminating rate.This will prevent from the side effects of drugs which can be more dangerous than the smoking effects during the same time period.

Smoking - A Bad Habit

People smoke mostly in the form of cigarette.Some people use even cigar,beedi,pipes etc.All these contain dried leaves of tobacco plant.A cigarette or any such thing is lit for the purpose of inhaling smoke.That smoke contains a harmful substance "nicotine".Tobacco is an agricultural product,grown in the farms.Farmers get good income by growing the tobacco as an agricultural plant.Tobacco is also used in preparation of some medicines.But when tobacco is used to smoke just for pleasure,is harmful to life.

Smoking causes many harmful diseases like lung cancer,emphysema,heart attacks,high blood pressure,and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and can lead to birth effects.Some people smoke just for fashion.Generally a person starts smoking with friends or colleagues just for fun.Slowly they get addicted and later they reach to a stage where they can"t resist themselves from smoking and become "chain smoker".Chain smoking means a person continues to smoke almost without break.If once a person becomes "chain smoker" then it will be very tough to that person to keep himself away from smoking even for few hours and this habit leads to death.

It is found that mostly men smoke,but the habit of smoking is also seen in some women and it is a very dangerous habit for women,when compared to men.Because researchers have found that smoking leads to more health hazards in women when compared to men.Smoking habit is found more in young women when compared to old women.Smoking habit is found in women of backward rural areas and also in so called Hi-Fi society.Smoking is dangerous for pregnant women.Because it will show affect on the child in the womb and may lead to birth effects.

Smoking affects not only the person who smokes,but also the people around that person.The people who are around the person who is smoking are forced automatically to perform "passive smoking".This passive smoking is more dangerous when compared to direct smoking.Passive smoking can be found in public places like bus stands,railway stations and in any closed room with leventilation.Government has banned smoking in public places.But it is not being implemented strictly any where in the country.There are some countries which strictly implement ban on public smoking.But in our country still it has to be implemented.

Every year many people who are dying due to diseases caused by smoking habit.It includes men and women.Government should implement strict ban on public smoking and also usage of tobacco in any form.Because some people chew tobacco in many forms.Many companies are producing different products by using tobacco.People who use tobacco feel that they are enjoying but day by day the habit will lead to many diseases and ultimately to death also.

Government is implementing some rules that on every cigarette packet it is printed as STATUTORY WARNING:SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH.But even when the person who smokes the cigarette from that pack reads it and continues to smoke.People who are well educated also resort to smoking as it becomes their habit.Some even say that smoking keeps them active and it will help them in getting new ideas and leads to creativity.But in fact it is not true.Nicotine which is present in tobacco keeps a person active only for some time,but it show long term ill effects.Some street children also resort to smoking regularly which is more dangerous than adults.

Smoking is a bad habit which causes not only inconvenience to others but also harmness.Those who are addicted to smoking can quit smoking by undergoing some treatment and also some methods such as deciding strictly not to smoke and if even they smoke,smoking some herbal cigarettes which are not harmful to health.Thus slowly then can quit smoking completely.On 31st may we are celebrating "world no tobacco day".Mere celebrating such days is not sufficient,but every person who is addicted to smoking should try to quit smoking and no person should try smoking for what ever reasons they have to smoke.Because smoking is a "bad habit

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